For a long time I have been very concerned with clarifying mathematics, primarily for myself but also because I plan to teach. After decades of reading and questioning and thinking, it seems to me that the philosophical views of mathematics are nonsensical. What does it MEAN to question whether mathematical objects exist outside of our minds? It sounds absurd. It seems clear to me that mathematics is a science like all the others except that verification (confirmation) is different. It is the science of QUANTITY and its amazing developments and offshoots (like set theory). And all sciences are products of our minds. They are our constructions, as are most of the physical objects in our immediate worlds. Shoes, sinks, forks, radios, computers, computer programs, eyeglasses, cars, planes, airports, buildings, roads, and on ad nauseam, are ALL our constructions. Nature didn't produce any of them. We did. What does it MEAN to speak of a "PHYSICAL" circle? A circle is OUR IDEA of a plane locus...