Germany Was ist das Gegenteil von einem Löwen?, Heyne (hardcover, April 2007) Purchase it at,, Read a review in the Berliner Morgenpost. |
Britain I Am, Therefore I Think, Hodder (hardcover, May 2007; paper, November 2007) Purchase it at, Blackwell's, Waterstone's, London Review Bookshop, aNobii. Read a review in the New Zealand Herald. |
United States What Would Socrates Say?, Clarkson Potter (hardcover, August 2007) Purchase it at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, BookSense, aNobii. Borrow it from a library near you. Read a review in the New York Times. |
The Netherlands Wat Zou Socrates Zeggen?, Spectrum (paperback, August 2007) Purchase it at Noord Nederlandsche Boekhandel. Read a review in the Filosofie Magazine. |
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Portugal Que Diria Sócrates?, Gradiva (July 2008) Purchase it here. Read a review in Crítica. |
¿Qué dirí Sócrates hoy?, Purchase it here. Read a review in Diari de Tarragona. |
Brazil Existo, logo, penso, Objetiva (2009) |
Israel Published by Am Oved (paper, December 2009)