
My cousin recently gave birth to her first child. There were some complications, however, and the baby had to be delivered through a cesarean section four weeks early. At first she seemed healthy, but within seconds of the delivery the effort of crying was apparently too much for the premature baby and they had to put her on a special machine. Now, what interested me about K. (that’s her first name,) is that even though she was working her way to be two months early she still seems completely human. K. even smiled and giggled whenever they played with her. As far as I can tell she’s completely human. She laughs, cries, reacts to pain, even seems to have formed a bond with her mother who she’s only seen a few times. Recently there was a great outcry because late term abortion doctor George Tiller was assassinated by pro-life extremists. (Doesn’t that seem ironic?) Anyway, he apparently aborted fetuses within days of the delivery date. 32, 33, 34 week old fetuses. Now, what caught me about this is that K. isn’t even as old as some of these fetuses he’s killing. So, if he were killing premature baby is like K., that’d be essentially the same thing. Early term abortion can be understood, but honestly it seems to me that this man did a terrible thing as worthy of death as anything else, more than once. He was continuing to do so unchecked until he was assassinated. I don’t agree with civilians taking justice into their own hands, but how can people feel so urged to defend this man when these very same people would be praising the killer if the abortion ‘doctor,’ instead took the life of Kimberly-Prudence? How can any modern or progressive individual possible support late term abortion or disagree that somebody murdering a fully developed child is anything other than evil?
