Emotion Why are some emotions looked down upon? Why isn't it just as good to be happy as to be sad? Read more about Why are some emotions looked down upon? Why isn't it just as good to be happy as 1 comment Log in to post comments
Emotion Music Does music create emotion, or does it bring to the surface existing emotions? Read more about Does music create emotion, or does it bring to the surface existing emotions? 1 comment Log in to post comments
Emotion Do you think it is possible to overcome loneliness by yourself? Read more about Do you think it is possible to overcome loneliness by yourself? 1 comment Log in to post comments
Emotion Freedom Is one responsible for one's feelings and emotions (considering the fact that they have nothing to do with a decision)? Read more about Is one responsible for one's feelings and emotions (considering the fact that 1 comment Log in to post comments
Emotion Why are all people sometimes mean? Robert (12 years old) Read more about Why are all people sometimes mean?Robert (12 years old) 2 comments Log in to post comments
Emotion Mind Why is stupidity not painful? Read more about Why is stupidity not painful? 2 comments Log in to post comments
Emotion Is tiredness an emotion, and if not, why not? Read more about Is tiredness an emotion, and if not, why not? 3 comments Log in to post comments