I'm under the assumption that given enough time anything that can happen will happen, because the universe is always changing. If the universe begins from a singularity and then a big bang, if this is allowed to occur over and over forever, eventually the same exact events will occur. The events that have taken place since the big bang have allowed My Consciousness to exist, once I die, given enough time it would exist again, also I could have existed before. I don't know if any of this is true, or even makes sense, it's just something I've been thinking about and haven't been able to talk about with anyone, nobody knows what the hell I mean to say. If this is right, in the personal experience, as soon as one dies they are alive again, forever. Is this wrong? I've got a feeling it is but I've never heard or read this being discussed before.

Interesting! Philosophers have long wrestled with the concept of infinity, and some in the ancient world and today find the concept of infinity problematic. They allow it to have a well defined role in mathematics (e.g. there is no greatest possible number, an infinite set is equal in numbers to its sub-set, viz. there are no more whole numbers than there are prime numbers), but when it comes to reality itself (the universe) some follow Aristotle in thinking that you can have a potential infinite, but not an actual infinite. In the former, we can think of something coming into being and then never ceasing to be. But in its ongoing life (a trillion years to the trillionth power) it would never complete an infinite series. No matter how long it lasts, it could last longer. So, back to your specific point, if the cosmos began 14 billion years ago and never ends, some philosophers think it would never last an infinite period. Hence a principle like 'given infinite time, every logically possible state...

When did philosophers first start arguing about free will and determinism and who were they?

I think that is quite right. I would simply highlight that the debate over freedom and determinism came to an important point in the 17th century with Ralph Cudworth when philosophers came (for the first time, perhaps) to articulate radical notions of freedom that involve a person engaging in a kind of self-transcendence, an ability to step back from her or his current character and engage in a kind of self-creation, making choices that would transform a person involving the formation of a new character.
