Where can I read something about the difference between explanation and justification? How would you put this difference in a few words?
A scientific explanation specifies the reason *why* some fact is the case or (or the reason why some event came about). A justification specifies someone's good reason for believing in the truth of some claim. For example, my justification for believing that the dinosaurs went extinct is that I have seen no dinosaurs around, and I have never heard any reports of living dinosaurs, but I have seen all of those fossils, and scientists whom I trust say that they have good evidence that dinosaurs once roamed the earth. But that's not the reason why the dinosaurs went extinct. The explanation (according to our best current theories) involved a large object crashing into the earth. Notice that my justification for believing that the dinosaurs went extinct does not concern my knowledge of the reason why they went extinct. Notice also that I could be justified in believing in some claim even if, as a matter of fact, the claim is false. A physician, for instance, might be justified in believing...
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