Why is Philosophy research considered less respectable study than researches in the empirical sciences?
I can think of two reasons why you might have come across this attitude. The first is simply a form of parochialism: the members of a specific disciplinary community may well believe that their forms and subjects of inquiry are the best, the most important, the most interesting, etc. This is partly due to self-selection: why work so hard and for so long to gain the credentials necessary to become a member of a specialized community if you do not already value what that community does? There are undoubtedly other sociological factors in play too -- for example, gaining prestige within a community like this may require single-minded ambition that rewards narrow parochialism, retaining motivation to work hard to remain with such a community may require continuing to value that communities mode of inquiry, etc. (I also note that this sort of parochialism occurs within academic sub-communities, and so there are philosophical sub-communities who view their particular sub-field as more respectable than others...
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I forgot to add: There is a long and extremely interesting account of why scientific inquiry has become so valued in our culture -- an important source the thought that empirical inquiry is more respectable than philosophical inquiry is a more general attitude that treats the fruits and methods of scientific inquiry as among the most respectable forms of inquiry full stop. So, for example, this attitude helps to explain the righteous indignation of many liberals (and, indeed, others) towards politicians who seemingly ignore the results of scientific inquiry. Likewise, according to one conventional theory the rise in the esteem of science is so important in our culture that it has "pushed out" or "subtracted away" important religious practices and attitudes and so has led to a change and diminution of religion. Scholars who work in the history of ideas may be best equipped to explain the rise in the esteem of science over the last centuries, but one philosopher who does very interesting work in this...
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