Consciousness Is John Searle's Chinese Room parable a fundamental proof that computers do not have consciousness? Read more about Is John Searle's Chinese Room parable a fundamental proof that computers do not 2 comments Log in to post comments
Justice How does one apply Rawls's theory of justice to concrete situations? Recently I've tried to think about how the theory would apply to the use of torture in interrogations (which I hope the theory would forbid) and to the use of racial profiling on the New York City subways (which I hope it would permit). Comment on these or other examples would be appreciated. --Steven New York, NY Read more about How does one apply Rawls's theory of justice to concrete situations? Recently I 1 comment Log in to post comments
Consciousness I´m a Computer Scientist with a new found interest in philosophy. In particular I'm interested in the philosophy of mind. I have two questions: 1) What is the big fuss about Frank Jackson's knowledge argument? I read the paper and found it quite silly - how could we ever imagine what it would be like to have all physical knowledge? How is it possible that this argument has generated so much debate? 2) Is it really that hard to imagine that we at some point will be able to build a computer that has a consciousness? I mean, apparently there is already such a machine - our brain! von Neumann said something cool once: "Tell me exactly what it is [consciousness] and I will build it". I believe him. In other words, how can there be so much controversy on this matter, when there is still no clear definition of what consciousness is? Thanks. Read more about I´m a Computer Scientist with a new found interest in philosophy. In particular 2 comments Log in to post comments
Ethics Justice Why is it that adults preach about democracy and how great it is when really if you're under 18 your parents are like dictators? Read more about Why is it that adults preach about democracy and how great it is when really if 1 comment Log in to post comments
Mathematics if it's zero degrees out and tomorrow it is going be twice as cold, how cold will it be? Read more about if it's zero degrees out and tomorrow it is going be twice as cold, how cold 1 comment Log in to post comments
Philosophy This is a follow-up to the question "What is the difference between analytical and continental philosophy?". Even if the distinction should be retired, it still gets used, and those of us outside the profession don't have a sense of what the terms mean. It would still be useful to give us a sense of what the (stereotyped, misleading) distinction is supposed to be. What is the flavor of the rhetorical differences between the two? Do the two address different sorts of question? (This is the characterization I've gotten from philosopher friends: continental figures make up grand sweeping theories about everything, whereas analytic figures try to answer one small question at a time, more like the method of contemporary science.) Who are some of the major figures claimed by either side? Read more about This is a follow-up to the question "What is the difference between analytical 1 comment Log in to post comments
Ethics Situation: married man and unmarried woman on the verge of involvement. Does the woman have a responsibility to protect his marriage vows, or is the responsibility solely his? In the absence of any specific religious doctrine, how would you frame a principle to facilitate discrimination about where responsibility begins and ends? Read more about Situation: married man and unmarried woman on the verge of involvement. Does 2 comments Log in to post comments
Biology Ethics Why do the laws of morality and the laws of nature seem to be completely opposite one another? For example, most moral codes encourage monogamy while the theory of evolution states the strongest seed should be spread around. Read more about Why do the laws of morality and the laws of nature seem to be completely 2 comments Log in to post comments
Profession Hi, I am an aspiring philosopher and I would like to become a professor one of these days. But I don't know how to go about it. I am still an undergrad student and I don't what steps to take. The advice will be much appreciated. Thanx. Read more about Hi, 2 comments Log in to post comments
Mind I heard about the analogy of a computer and the mind, but I'm fuzzy about the connection. Please help! Read more about I heard about the analogy of a computer and the mind, but I'm fuzzy about the 1 comment Log in to post comments