Is psychoanalysis science?

Thank you for your provocative question. I don't feel qualified to answer it categorically, but I will try to give some reason why some people have doubted that psychoanalysis is science, and how those doubts might be met. One reason some have doubted that psychoanalysis is science is that claims made by some analysts about the reasons for people's behavior (including slips and dreams) appeal to explanations that don't seem subject to tests. To take one extreme case, Freud claims that any element of a dream that has three parts or is associated with the number three (such as a triangle or a tripod) must symbolize male genitals. Then if one asks him for his evidence to back up this claim, one sometimes finds him or his follower replying not by providing evidence, but rather by suggesting that the person asking the question is exhibiting a "defense mechanism." That does seem like cheating. After all, one could use this technique to "prove" just about anything. In the last couple of decades...

This might not sound intelligent, figuring that I am 16 years old and I do not have an extensive vocabulary as I would like. But, getting to the question, If we ever find out if there is really a God in some shape or form and that the evolutionary theory or "darwinism" is in fact not true, do you believe that it would be mass destruction and chaos in this world due to the fact that many people's beliefs have gone to waste? -Joseph S.

Dear Joseph, thank you for your question. What reaction the world would have to the scenario you envision is an empirical question better answered by a sociologist or a social psychologist. However, let me just note that when Evolution by Natural Selection started to be popularized in the Nineteenth Century, many saw that it tended to take the wind out of the Argument from Design. Many theists were indeed quite upset about this, and that is no small part of why Darwin met with such hostility. But the result was not "mass destruction and chaos." So it is not clear to me why mass destruction and chaos would result from the tables turning in the other direction. Also, my guess is that many natural scientists who stake their research careers on Evolution by Natural Selection's being true would be *surprised* in this scenario, but rational enough to face the facts as you imagine them. If in fact they could be convinced beyond a shadow of a doubt that ENS is false, and that theism is true, ...