
Hello. I think that I have a personality disorder called the Schizoid Personality disorder. I am actually fairly certain of this. If this is the case, I have a question that pertains to ethics. I am wondering if it is immoral in some sense to cloister oneself from the world and to spend one's time primarily by oneself. I would consider myself of a high intellect with much college behind me and I enjoy intellectual pursuits and the life of the mind very much. Though I currently have some close friends (from high school) and socialize several times a week, I can see a day in which I would like to be mostly alone. I envision a day, after several more years of graduate school, when I could leave America and get lost in Europe and break all ties with former friends, and (as I am a Schizoid) my family--whom I feel nothing for and do not enjoy being around. I am an atheist and a Darwinian and believe this is the only life I am going to get and I would like to, despite what contemporary social standards state, live it on my own terms. I am somewhat an iconoclast. Moreover, I would, for a long period (perhaps from age 30-40) like to move to a place where prostitution is legal; this is because I do not want to be entirely celibate and it would accord me with opportunities for consensual and yet non-intimate relations (I feel unhappy when intimate situations arise) and yet I could be entirely unconnected to others on any substantive level. Essentially, I want to be in the world and yet really in my own world. I sort of hate people. I have misanthropic, cynical feelings. Mostly, though, I am unhappy when around others and labor to "fall" into myself. I think it is generally the way that my brain is configured that makes me not feel any need to be with other people--not that I have felt rejected or cannot participate with others. I am just lacking the mental configuration that would cause me to desire the company of other people. I am not a jerk, if I sound like one; I am just someone who understands that this is the only life I am going to get and who wants to spend it alone and distanced from the world. I do feel at times that the world is extremely overwhelming. I have never wanted kids, and the thought of a spouse always around me (as a Schizoid) seems unbearable. Do you, then, think that this somewhat strange lifestyle would be immoral; do you think it is a character flaw to reject participation in the world? Thanks.
