As an Englishman, I share a dilemma with many of my countrymen that we do not have a strong sense of English (rather than British) nationality - in contrast to say the Scots, the Welsh etc. My question is what are the moral arguments for and against the establishment of a clear English national identity. My question is definitely not one geared towards a backward-looking (and hence white Anglo-Saxon) identity, but one that can unite the inhabitants of the country in a sense of pride. If the team prefer to answer with reference to other nationalities then this is fine - it is more the moral principles that I am seeking to understand. Thank You

For what purposes is a countrywide "sense of pride" useful? English pride was high during the German bombing in WWII, and served the effort to win that terrible war. National pride may serve useful motivating functions in similar circumstances. Provided the purposes are morally worthy, national pride is morally justified. I'm not sure I can think of any moral arguments for the value of national pride in itself (i.e. without reference to some specific national goal).